Soul Shine Yogini

Welcome! My name is Ashlyn, but you can find me on social media as Soul Shine Yogini. 

I guide Breathwork sessions, yoga classes, and reiki healing, with a goal of helping you to connect with yourself in a deeper way.  I believe that breath is a muscle of medicine, and with practice your breath can help physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ground you.

Let's work together, to break down barriers and belief systems, to get your soul to shine as bright as it was intended to. 

Let's work together to strengthen all of you. 


Breathwork is an active meditation technique, and a fast track journey to healing emotional energies that are stored in our body.

Mindful flows to integrate breath, body, mind, and soul 


Breathwork, Reiki, & Sound healing

All sessions are held Fridays 6-8 pm at Open Doors in Braintree

$35 for early registration, complete sign up by at least 3 days in advance to grab this deal!

Feburary 7- With an emphasis on Self Love

March 14- Full Moon in Virgo, Lunar Eclipse

Aprill 11- Full Moon in Libra

May 9- Full Moon in Scorpio

June 27- New moon in Cancer

July 25- New moon in Leo

August 22- New Moon in Virgo

September 19- New Moon in Libra

Novemeber 7- Full Moon in Taurus

December 5- Full Moon in Gemini

Please sign up directly thru Open Doors